The best Starter Templates for busy developers.
We have curated essential resources for the success of your React Native app.
This informative content has been brought to you through the generous sponsorship of the React Native Roadmap.
GREEN stack
by Aetherspace
Scope of the template
- Full Stack
- Monorepo
- Mobile
- Web
- DevOps
Stack included
- Next.js
- Storybook
- GraphQL
- @expo/html-elements
- Expo
- expo-router
- react-navigation
- tailwind
- turborepo
- Zod
- Storybook
by t3-oss
Scope of the template
- Mobile
- Web
- Monorepo
Stack included
- Expo
- Next.js
- tRPC
- tailwind
- expo-router
- turborepo
by dabit3
Scope of the template
- Full Stack
- Mobile
Stack included
- Expo
- ai
- TypeScript
- react-navigation
- React Native
Scope of the template
- Full Stack
- Mobile
Stack included
- Expo
- Supabase
- React Native
- MobX
- Push Notifications
- cli templating
by timothymiller
Scope of the template
- Full Stack
Stack included
- Tamagui
- Next.js
- Expo
- Supabase
- Edge SSR
- Drizzle
- tRPC
- React Query
- Hono
- Valibot
- Million.js
- Virtualized Lists
- Pattycake
by tamagui
Scope of the template
- Frontend
- Monorepo
- Mobile
- Web
Stack included
- Expo
- Next.js
- turborepo
by react-native-community
Scope of the template
- Mobile
Stack included
- React Native
by danstepanov
Scope of the template
- Frontend
- Full Stack
- Mobile
- Web
- Monorepo
by infinitered
Scope of the template
- Mobile
Stack included
- apisauce
- AsyncStorage
- date-fns
- Expo
- expo-font
- expo-localization
- Hermes
- Jest
- Maestro
- MobX
- React Native
- react-navigation
- Reactotron
- Reanimated
- TypeScript
- cli templating
by bidah
Scope of the template
- Full Stack
Stack included
- TypeScript
- Expo
- expo-router
- tRPC
- tailwind
Here is a brief explanation of why I categorized each template this way:
- Beginner: templates are both very easy to use and require very little prior knowledge of React Native. They are both good choices for developers who are new to React Native or who want to create a simple app quickly.
- Intermediate: Templates offer more flexibility and customization options than the beginner templates, but they can also be more difficult to set up and use.
- Advanced: are all designed for experienced React Native developers. They offer a lot of flexibility and customization options, but they can also be more difficult to set up and use.
How do you choose which React Native boilerplate to include?
Every week, we search and evaluate the best starter templates from the Internet.
Afterwards, we tested each boilerplate in their common use cases and selected best ones that are highly personalized and deliver what they promise.
If you find a useful template that's not in the list, but should be - please let us know!
You can also submit your custom template here.
How can I contact you if I have questions?
Feedback and ideas on how to improve this site are most welcome.
Feel free to reach me on Twitter (X) @flexbox_.